
Product Design, Development and More...

Parallel processing is at the core.

We’re not talking about computing (although that is probably an element). We’re into satisfying multiple objectives with simple elegance of process, methods and design.


Not some mumbo-jumbo.

Sometimes it all seems a bit chaotic, but there’s an orchestrated method to the madness.

We believe the relationships within the organization, and how the organization relates to outside partners and customers is key. We want to help foster high-integrity, lasting relationships that stand the test of time.


When we get down to the technical work, it’s methodical, yet creative. Inventive, yet with an eye on the project plan and calendar. We know that delighting a customer sets up a chain reaction of “wins” back through the company and its partners. We see the dividends of quality in lower costs in development, production and service / support.

Open to Learning

We are not the kind of consultant that comes riding into town on a white stallion. We have lots of experience, but we’re not out to prove that. We just want to help manufacturers like you be more successful and provide rich, rewarding corporate cultures in which people love to work.